Harvard antisemitism task force co-chair resigns in another group setback

Harvard Business School Professor Raffaella Sadun is now the second person to step down from her position on a Harvard antisemitism task force.

Sadun reportedly decided to step down because she felt Harvard wouldn’t commit to implementing the task force’s ideas, and had been frustrated by the antisemitism task force for a while.

Rabbi David Wolpe previously announced his own resignation from Harvard’s antisemitism board in December through an X post, citing the “evil” ideology that permeates the school.

“The system at Harvard along with the ideology that grips far too many of the students and faculty, the ideology that works only along axes of oppression and places Jews as oppressors and therefore intrinsically evil, is itself evil,” Wolpe said. “Ignoring Jewish suffering is evil. Belittling or denying the Jewish experience, including unspeakable atrocities, is a vast and continuing catastrophe. Denying Israel the self-determination as a Jewish nation accorded unthinkingly to others is endemic, and evil.”

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