‘Difficult beyond words’: Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay resigns from her position

Roni Brunn, a spokesperson for the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance, called the resignation an “unfortunate chapter” in Harvard’s history, saying in part:

“Claudine Gay’s resignation closes an unfortunate chapter in Harvard’s nearly 400-year history. In her repeated failures to condemn calls for complete and utter obliteration of Jews, Claudine Gay tacitly encouraged those who sought to spread hate at Harvard, where many Jews no longer feel safe to study, identify, and fully participate in the Harvard community. It’s our hope that Harvard’s next President begins their term by loudly and clearly stating that antisemitism has absolutely no place on campus, that strong action will follow to make that commitment a reality, and that the institution will return to its roots as a world-renowned center of learning and research rooted in civil discourse and academic integrity.

For the past three months, the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance has tried to engage President Gay and the Corporation, but we were unsuccessful. We represent several thousand Harvard Jewish alumni who support the students, faculty, and administrators whose voices have been silenced by hate on campus. We are happy to have the opportunity to work with a President at Harvard who is ready to collaborate with us to craft a campus environment where everyone is equally respected.”

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