Code of Conduct

We are committed to ensuring that everyone who attends our events has a positive and enriching experience. Whether you are a participant, speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, or HJAA member, our priority is to create an inclusive and beneficial environment for all.

The principles of safety, respect, and consideration are fundamental to this commitment. Individual actions can affect others, and everyone shares the responsibility to uphold these values.

This code outlines our expectations and guidelines, including general best practices and the procedures for reporting any behavior that contravenes these standards. Individuals who do not adhere to these rules or engage in unacceptable conduct will be required to cease such behavior immediately and will be removed from the event.

By attending an HJAA event, you are agreeing to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

A Respectful Environment

We have zero tolerance towards any verbal or physical threats, violence, abuse or harassment at any live, on-demand or official auxiliary events or on our digital platforms and community sites. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes:

  • Assembling for the purpose of disturbing the peace or committing an offense.
  • Threats, intimidating and threatening behaviour, whether verbal, physical or written, including menacing gestures.
  • Physical harassment, threats and acts of violence, including pushing, shoving and the use of any physical force.
  • Stalking, or behaviour that causes apprehension to others including following, photography, and recording.
  • Deliberately damaging the venue or other people’s property.
  • Offensive language and gestures, whether it is verbal harassment or abuse, sexually explicit language or gestures, profanity, obscenity or racial, religious or ethnic slurs. This includes statements and banners calling for harm to befall the people or nation of Israel.
  • Possession or display of any weapon or other item used to threaten or intimidate.
  • Full facial covering that effectively masks one’s facial features and obscures one identity. Medical masks that cover mouth/nose for health purposes are permitted, see note below about not attending events if one has symptoms of contagious illness.
  • Any inappropriate or offensive materials, and any content that is intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning, including the inappropriate use of nudity or sexual images in public spaces.
  • Discrimination on the basis of any protected category. This criteria includes but isn’t limited to race, sex, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability and marital status.

Participation and Engagement

We want everyone to be able to participate and fully engage in our events in comfort. Disrupting all or part of any live or on-demand event, whether physically or verbally, in a sustained or deliberate way, goes against this.

  • Do not deliberately prevent others from attending or participating in any portion of the event.
  • Do not heckle or catcall, or interrupt others in a disruptive way, whether verbally, with music or other noise or behavior.
  • Never act in a way that endangers others or prevent them from acting safely.


If you have a fever or any symptoms that may put others at risk of becoming ill, we encourage you not to attend. Contact the event team to discuss other ways to take part.

Applying this Code of Conduct

All participants must uphold the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct, whether at HJAA’s live or on-demand events, official auxiliary events, community sites, social media channels and digital platforms. Participants include attendees, sponsors, media, speakers, exhibitors, contractors, moderators, volunteers, members, and others, both live and virtual.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior or otherwise breaches this Event Code of Conduct, the event organizers, their representatives and/or security may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including:

  • Expulsion from the event without warning or refund.
  • Disqualification from participating in future, including being barred from attending, speaking, exhibiting or sponsorship, and from engagement across HJAA’s community events sites, social media channels and digital platforms.
  • Reporting any unlawful behavior to the appropriate local or national authorities.
  • All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behavior are at the sole discretion of HJAA and its event team; the decision(s) of HJAA representatives will be final. This Event Code of Conduct may be revised at any time by HJAA and is non-negotiable.
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